NFTs by artists, technologists & explorers.

Our projects power an NFT-enabled future, a gamified approach to bridging physical and digital reality with metaverse interoperability.


NFTravel is the global leader in NFT travel souvenirs. We create “digital fridge magnets” comprising 3D renderings with metaverse interoperability. Compose your own virtual world from memories of your travels, and discover the true value of your journey.

“A  N  T  I  Q  U  E”

“A N T I Q U E”


Phy+gital Antique imbue physical objects with blockchain-enabled capabilities. We render real-world artefacts in digital form, creating value for commercial, public and individual collectors of art, sculpture and antiques. Whilst blockchain technology remains an ambiguous proposition for some, we offer a tangible approach to achieving crypto-asset exposure.


MetaMetaMask creates in-game skins in the image of cultural artefacts and uses smart contracts to the benefit local artisans and social causes.